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★ disclaimer ⸻ this account is strictly for entertainment and roleplay purposes only. this account is not affiliated with any of the artists portrayed, and their respective companies. furthermore, the character's views and opinions do not reflect those of the artists and the management. any names, places, and storylines are purely fictional. all works, including media, are under the name of marina eustace, unless stated otherwise.

★ writer's notes ⸻ goes by the name marina eustace (she/they pronouns) and you may interact with her freely on @diameund. the writer is of age and currently a college student in uni, handling multiple organizations, so please expect sporadic replies. any forms of plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly. the writer also holds full responsibility for the character's actions; should any issue arise, please direct yourselves to twitter direct messages where you may educate me, as i'm very much willing to listen. <3other muses. the character has other muses existing, with less darker themes than bonita. feel free to interact with the writer's other muses, which can be found in their writer's account.

★ before you follow ⸻ not safe for work. backstory, plot, and character background might contain dark themes; please refrain from interacting if that makes you uncomfortable. the muse is open to plots and pre-established relationships, so do send us a message if you're interested! quite selective with followbacks, and might do softblock sprees from time to time. timeline interactions are most preffered, but dms will be entertained from time to time.★ do not follow ⸻ if you are not a roleplay account. if you fit the basic dnf criteria. constantly tweets out of character/about the operator, with no such need. if you cannot respect the boundaries between the muse and the writer. for my comfort, i will be softblocking accounts that make me uncomfortable. for your convenience, you may do that too.

★ character inspiration ⸻ bonita's character takes inspiration from the personalities of isabel "belly" conklin (the summer i turned pretty), chariclo arganthone "c.a." cupid (monster high), kitty cheshire (ever after high), sophia "sophie" sheridan (mamma mia), and rapunzel (tangled).★ lore inspiration ⸻ the character's lore takes inspiration from eros the greek god of carnal love, and eris the greek goddess of chaos, strife, and discord. the character's lore also has influences from films such as mamma mia, and the summer i turned pretty. in addition to this, the character's au runs in the same timeline as @aethericquill. feel free to check out their au as well. ^^

★ carrd layout ⸻ carrd layout by angeidiarys, with my own modifications. i will not be redistributing copies of this carrd, out of respect for the original creator. any unauthorized replication of this carrd is strictly discouraged.★ account media ⸻ media, including but not limited to edits (photo and video), layouts, sns updates, filters, etc., are the writer's own unless stated otherwise. the owner/s of the borrowed media will be credited rightfully at all times.


Before the mortal realm came to life, existed a realm where emotions and forces of nature lived harmoniously. Chaos and Love ruled, creating balance between the entities that each had their own specialty. Chaos, an embodiment of mischief and unpredictability, basked in the thrill of discord; while Love on the other hand, radiated warmth, affection, and kindness to one another. They were like two opposing forces, forever entangled in a cosmic dance, tied to their own fates by their responsibility to maintain order in their realm.
After centuries of trying to keep the peace within their realm, the two entities found themselves drawn to one another. Where chaos found warmth in love’s embrace, and love found happiness in chaos’ dark nature. However, such romance is forbidden in the eyes of many, fearing the destruction of their world once chaos and love join forces. The sound of such destruction only made the two entities revel more in their romance, carelessly letting go of the care they once had in the world. The fates, the only existing beings higher than the forces of nature, heard of the lovers’ budding romance, and took matters into their own hands.Chaos and Love, both lost the realm they once loved—a rightful price to pay, if they were to pursue their affection for one another. The fates pardoned them, however, for one cannot be too cruel to forbid such romance. The two entities were to give up their immortality, and live permanently in the mortal realm. Still fulfilling their responsibilities as the forces of Chaos and Love, they were each granted a temporary vessel to spread love and ensue chaos in the mortal realm, until their life cycle ends, and only then shall they return to the world far beyond from mortal comprehension—where they rightfully belong.The world that awaited them was something beyond their knowledge, but they feared the destruction that their love might cause to their home even more. WIth unsure spirits, the couple bid their farewell, with silent prayers that they will return safely from their journey. Chaos became Magdalena Isabel Lopez, an ambitious maiden, in the city of Barcelona, yearning to become one of the biggest stars in the industry; and Love became Alejandro Luis Sánchez, the young sailor of Costa Del Sol, and the sole heir of the world renowned Sánchez Resorts. The two young lovers, each with fates of their own, struggled to adjust to their new lives, whilst controlling the reigns of love and chaos, who as far as mortals know, are mere emotions and forces.It wasn’t long before Magdalena (Chaos) and Alejandro (Love) found their way back to one another, finally rekindling the romance in the town of Marbella, Spain. As their energies intertwined, their connection birthed a remarkable being—a manifestation of their love for one another, their child. She became known as Adorada Bonita Corazon, an enchanting being that carried the blended aura of chaos and love. Born out of wedlock, Bonita was an odd mix of both order and spontaneity, possessing the power to bring joy and harmony, or leave a trail of change and disruption wherever she went—dangerous, but beautiful.Bonita’s birth became known to those from the other realm, where she became living proof that love and chaos can create something so ethereal, yet still feared by many. Like an artist who held the brush to a cosmic canvas, her existence held the delicate balance between chaos and love; she had the ability to weave beauty and complexity into existence; she could create the most breathtaking landscapes, and moments of tenderness—but she also had the looming burden to plunge the world into chaos and fill it with misfortune.As Bonita grew, her presence began to manifest into the fabric of existence itself. Wherever she went, vibrant colors seemed to bloom, and melodic laughter filled the air. She was the personification of love, whose touch brought order to chaos and ignited chaos with a touch of tenderness.Her parents, Alejandro and Magdalena, cherished their unique heritage and filled her mind with stories from the mortal realm and their home. Bonita grew up surrounded by the warmth of love, who embraced her with tenderness and showered her with affection. Chaos, on the other hand, embraced her with unpredictability; she taught her to find joy in the unexpected turns of life, and find beauty even in destruction.Alas, fate had to step in and find a way to break the two lovers apart—Magdalena, whose ambitions were far stronger than the forces of nature, became the reason for their love to fade. Magdalena was left with the choice of choosing to stay in the town of Marbella with her family, or leave for bigger dreams and unlock doors to more opportunities and to finally achieve her dreams of being seen on screen. Alejandro, who wanted nothing more but for them to become one family, proposed to the Magdalena, offering a life not only filled with love and light, but a life of color and vibrance—away from chaos. Magdalena feared that love might not be enough for them to survive in this world. The chaos in her heart consumed her, sacrificing the love they once had, for the life she always wanted.For Magdalena, Marbella became a prison—a hindrance to the life she always wanted, and the chaos she always knew dwelled inside her. With one last farewell, she left Spain—leaving her beloved Alejandro and their daughter, Bonita with the promise of returning when the time is right, and when she’s ready. In that one farewell, the lovers promised to keep Bonita a secret, another sacrifice made to ensure Magdalena’s fresh start in another place, far away from Spain.

Marbella, Spain was a dream for anyone who found paradise in the crystal waves that kissed the golden shores. In the very same town, the daughter of Love and Chaos came into the world. A radiant soul born with mystique that made all who crossed her path drawn to her—her name was Bonita. Bonita was raised by mortals who were the personification of two of nature’s strongest forces—love and chaos. Her mother, chaos, left when she was as young as three years old, leaving Bonita with memories of her and photographs that she cherished dearly.
Growing up in the vibrant streets of Marbella, Bonita embodied the enchantment of the town. With beauty that sparkled like the sun kissed Mediterranean sea, eyes as deep and mystical as the night, reflecting the contrasting forces that flowed through her veins—the tenderness of love entwined with the untamed spirit of chaos. At a young age, she was drawn to the cycle and flow of life, yearning for moments filled with harmony and adventure. Her father, love, raised her with stories of her mother, making sure Bonita knew how unique of a woman she is, even when the girl hadn’t seen her in such a long time. Together with him, they ran a resort in the heart of Marbella, a sanctuary for travelers and tourists alike.Marbella became Bonita’s playground, reveling in the mingling of languages, flavors, and music that filled the air. The town’s busy streets became a labyrinth to her, each turn and alleyway offering a new discovery with a hidden adventure—an abandoned courtyard decorated with flowers, the joyous flamenco performance and music that stirred her soul, or a secluded beach cove that soon became a sanctuary where she could lose herself in the sound of crashing waves. Despite living in the vibrant town she loved dearly, a yearning to see what other adventures awaited her beyond the streets of Marbella grew in her.Her spirit led her to take journeys, where she found her love for the sea, sailing to remote corners of the globe, visiting bustling cities, and coming back to tell her father of her adventures, each time more exciting than the other. It was where Bonita discovered her true purpose—why her parents were given the gift of mortal life. She was the bridge between love and chaos, a living embodiment of their union. With every adventure, every story she heard from one person to another, she realized that love and chaos were not opposing aspects, but rather inseparable forces of life, that when joined together and embraced, could bring forth the most beautiful outcomes.Yet with great power comes great responsibility. As a living force joined by love and chaos, her existence was not without challenges. Bonita struggled between her chaotic and loving nature, leading to internal conflict that her father feared might put her life to peril soon. Oftentimes, the desire to disrupt society’s stability overwhelmed her, torn between the longing to embrace connection and kindness. As the years unfolded, Bonita managed to keep everything at bay, constantly yearning for her mother’s presence in the significant events of her life—only to receive a postcard or a letter weeks after she missed it. This became a cycle for her, but Alejandro constantly told her never to hold on to grief, nor should she let anger cloud her heart—she wished it was as easy as he worded it.On one of her nightly escapades by the beach, a young traveler caught Bonita’s attention one night, when her feet led her to the ancient ruins that sat on a cliff by the sea, where whispers of forgotten tales echoed in the wind. “Maveric Lucien.” His voice rang through the remnants of the moonlit walls, drawing her in even more. “I know you,” she would mutter in realization, recalling the tale of Fate and Time, and the prince who made a pact with them. On that same night, the glint of chaos reignited in Bonita’s eyes—finally, someone who understood what other adventures she yearned for. Maven, as she had come to know him, stayed in Marbella for a few days, writing for two lovers whose fates were destined to cross after thirty years. Bitterness stirred in the lady’s heart, knowing that although fate was not cruel enough to not let her parents fall in love, it was definitely cruel enough for their love not to last.Ever since Maven and Bonita crossed paths, it became a seemingly never ending game of cat and mouse, where Bonita would steal the writer’s quill, altering the stories of those he wrote about, and leaving a hint of chaos in their lives. Even as Maven traveled through realms, Bonita too discovered that she shared a similar ability as his, where she soon joined him on his adventures. After years of being at each other’s throats, the two found comfort in one another—Maven seemed to understand the calmness and chaos that came with her, and Bonita understood his dedication to keep the world turning, by writing stories, that they both found solace in.As the years went on and Bonita blossomed, many of her adventures were shared with Maven, who despite having left Marbella, still managed to surprise her with visits and adventures every now and then. Bonita continued to grow under the warmth of the sun that shone over Marbella, letting go of the anger that once clouded her heart. Oftentimes, her mother would write to her, or the young lady would see her onscreen—and realize that her father was right. She was the spitting image of her mother, from bone structure down to mannerisms.It wasn’t until weeks before her eighteenth birthday, that Bonita would receive the shock of her life. In her hand was a letter that held words that although might not be of significant meaning to many, made every fiber in her being freeze. The letter held six words that defined her for the past eighteen years, all leading up to this moment. “See you on your eighteenth birthday.” For the first time in what felt like forever, she was finally seeing her mother.

★ divine destruction ⸻
“Are you always this fussy?” Maven hissed, clearly annoyed at the young lady who kept pacing back and forth her room. Upon receiving her clearly distressed message of meeting her mother, Maven couldn’t possibly leave her alone, knowing how this might affect her—also, a side of him prayed she doesn’t get too chaotic. “She’s here, she’s really here.” Bonita, who was clearly panicked, ignored the other’s words as she ran to the resort’s gates, met with a face that she once only saw through faded photographs, and memories worded by her father.
News of Magdalena’s return spread like wildfire all across town, unsettling the townsfolk. Unlike those from Marbella, Bonita’s mother seemed to be the odd one out—something she realized upon stepping closer to the woman. Her pale complexion seemed untouched by the warmth of the sun, and her jet-black hair ran through her shoulders like a waterfall of shadows. If it weren’t for the fond smile she gave her daughter, Bonita would have never thought of Magdalena as her mother—but she was there, flesh and bone, standing in front of her. And for someone who has never seen her mother her entire life, that was all she ever wanted.The following weeks, Bonita spent every minute with her mother—hearing all about all things that went on in the spotlight, and each story intrigued her even more. Oftentimes, her eyes would wander over to Alejandro, who looked at Magdalena with longing and the same love that once was there. It didn’t take long before the lovers picked up where they left off, following Magdalena’s announcement that startled the whole industry—she had a family, a loving (soon-to-be) husband, and their daughter, Bonita. On one fateful night, Magdalena and Alejandro approached their daughter, opening the idea of leaving Marbella, to take the world by storm, and carve her own path. “Don’t let the island suffocate you, mija.” Her mother said, retelling the stories of bigger adventures that the world had in store for her.Looking back, Bonita realized that despite growing up in the city of Marbella, her soul yearned for more. Even as she went on adventures, her feet kept coming back to the place she grew all too familiar with—every turn, every alleyway, every secluded area; there was no place in Spain that she had not explored. Yet the young lady did not feel suffocated, instead, she found comfort in the town’s vibrant energy and the mix of cultures that weave itself into existence beautifully. Recalling her mother’s words, Bonita too, realized that there was something she craved even more—she craved the embrace of darkness and chaos.With a heavy heart, Bonita left the streets of Marbella, and embarked on a never ending journey, cloaked in eternal twilight that dazzled the eyes of many. Upon entering showbiz, Bonita became a figure sought after by many—those who craved the chaos she brings, and those who yearned for love. Her influence attracted people who wanted her, leading the young lady to finally understand what chaos is revealed under the spotlight. Still, Bonita refused to be reduced to a mere instrument of manipulation and pleasure, refusing to be controlled, and stuck to the truth she always believed in. Her true purpose was to help others craft their own path, guiding them to find the balance of the intertwined forces of love and chaos.With each year she spent away from Spain, Bonita grew to love the thrill she felt whenever chaos manifested itself everywhere she went. Her affinity for the macabre and mystical deepened, and so did her love for traveling from one realm to another, still managing to rewrite the stories of others, adding love and chaos to their books. The young man, now a dear person she cherished, still found her as the same headache who had an odd beginning—but they stayed by one another’s side, promising that this would go on, until the universe decides so.Bonita found herself back in Marbella, revisiting her sanctuary in the forgotten ruins that rested on a cliff, where time had come to a standstill. She looked up, enjoying the sun that kissed her face, and the gentle waves that hit the shores gracefully. The lady sighed, smiling at the memories she shared—in Marbella, Inwood, and Skopelos; each different, each holding a story of their own. She smiled at the sky, managing to peek through one eye, greeted by the clear skies. “I’m doing great, right?” She thanked Fate for the gift of mortal life, for allowing her parents’ paths to cross again.Fate, along with other forces of nature, could only smile at the lady—though she had no clue, they all watched over her and guided her through her journey. They calmed the seas whenever she sailed, stilled the winds when she needed them to be, and filled her with knowledge—sometimes even taking a temporary mortal form to speak directly to her. Bonita’s existence, which held the delicate balance between chaos and love became a story that many loved.She showed the world, especially her parents, that change was an inherent part of life; and even amidst the most chaotic storms, love could serve as an anchor. Bonita continues to walk the earth, treating each day like an extraordinary adventure, strengthening the connection between what used to be seemingly opposing forces, reminding everyone of the infinite possibilities that bloom when chaos and love intertwine in perfect harmony. For Bonita, Marbella would forever be a place where her parents, the personification of love and chaos danced harmoniously—a sanctuary only witnessed once in a lifetime, that emerges when you give it the chance to.And in Marbella, where Bonita’s story began, her name still lingered like an echo, as if the walls whispered it to the ears of every passerby—a living reminder that darkness too, holds its own beauty.


hi! (⌒‿⌒) bonita / @ecrivein here! welcome to my carrd, where you'll find all the information about me, and several notes from the writer. please don't hesitate to dm me for plots, and pre-established relationships -- would v much love that. cr angeidiarys for this crd layout

FULL NAME: Adorada Bonita Corazon Sánchez
PRONOUNS: She / They
BIRTHDAY: December 29, 1998
BIRTHPLACE: Marbella, Spain
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Marbella, Spain; Skopelos, Greece; Inwood, New York
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
ETHNICITY: spanish
NATIONALITY: Spanish-American
OCCUPATION: model (inwood, nyc); barista (skopelos, gr)

faceclaims: minatozaki sana, cho miyeon, kim doyeon
height: 164cm (5'5'')
build: mesomorph, soft natural
eye color: hazel brown
hair color: dark brown, but occasionally dyes blonde
notable marks: birthmark on her left shoulderblade
tattoos: dreamcatcher tattoo on her lower back
piercings: lobe piercing on each side, upper lobe piercing on her left ear, helix piercing on her right ear
scent: la belle fleur terrible by jean paul gautier and miss dior blooming bouquet

mbti: istp-t, the virtuoso
enneagram 7w8
alignment: lawful evil
temperament: choleric-sanguine (d-i)
positives: confident, charismatic, naturally vibrant attitude, free-spirited, strong-willed.
negatives: irritable, sarcastic, might come off as arrogant at times, holds grudges, bottles emotions up.
habits: bites her tongue when overwhelmed by emotions. will usually stay silent, if something ticks her off, or something unpleasant happens.

likes: mangoes, beaches, summer, floral scents,
dislikes: cold temperatures, loud noises, unresponsiveness, irresponsibility.
hobbies: bonita enjoys library trips and writing, especially when she gets to steal maven's quill and cause mischief someplace else. as the embodiment of chaos, she also joins maven on trips to other realms and dimensions, on the condition that she be at her best behavior. back in marbella, she also developed a hobby for sailing and still finds time to do it during her free days.


★ 001 ⸻ bonita's world was filled with lavish riches and luxury; however at a young age, her parents already made sure she was aware of her privilege. together, they raised her to believe that despite her place in society, she must work hard to achieve whatever she wanted.

★ 002 ⸻ bonita's mother, magdalena, barely made his presence felt until her eighteenth birthday where her mother opened the idea of exploring more outside of marbella. due to this, bonita took up another residence in inwood, new york, where she grew to love the showbiz industry.

★ 003 ⸻ growing up in marbella with her father, bonita developed a fondness for beaches and summer in general. when away from work and other responsibilities, she spends her time on the beach, exploring abandoned ruins of establishments.

★ 004 ⸻ bonita's mother made a formal announcement, letting the world know of her family, finally presenting bonita to society. due to this, bonita immediately took an overnight rollercoaster ride where she found herself already signing contracts to begin her career.

★ 005 ⸻ before working in showbiz, bonita stayed in skopelos island, greece, where she worked as a singer and a part-time barista at one of the establishments. here, she bought an abandoned property and refurnished everything to her own taste.

★ 006 ⸻ bonita usually sneaks around maven to steal his quill, rewriting the stories he once wrote, and altering the course of events. oftentimes, she would add a tragedy to "add character development" in the person's life, or give them a romantic interest, just because she finds them "too plain."

★ 007 ⸻ bonita continue to thrives in showbiz, but is selective with the work she accepts, limiting it to photoshoots, social events, and cameos in movies and television shows—whatever appeals to her. she thinks of showbiz as a hobby, not something she wants to get herself absorbed in.

★ 008 ⸻ learning how to maneuver boats at a young age made bonita's love for travel grow even more, which is something she has fully committed herself to. however, she is quite selective with traveling through air, and prefers to travel by sea, where she is the captain of her own sail.

★ 009 ⸻ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. etiam sed euismod turpis, vitae posuere mi. in a nibh id ipsum ullamcorper eleifend a iaculis arcu. vivamus vel blandit arcu. proin tempus lorem vitae imperdiet imperdiet

★ 010 ⸻ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. etiam sed euismod turpis, vitae posuere mi. in a nibh id ipsum ullamcorper eleifend a iaculis arcu. vivamus vel blandit arcu. proin tempus lorem vitae imperdiet imperdiet


alejandro luis sánchez, father.
the personification of love, and bonita's father. alejandro owns a chain of resorts along costa del sol, where he met magdalena. having bonita out of wedlock, he agreed to care for bonita to save magdalena's career and keep their daughter away from the spotlight. he refused to leave the country after magdalena turned down his proposal, choosing her career over love.

magdalena isabel lopez, mother.
the personification of chaos, and bonita's mother. magdalena was a socialite, who spent most of her time in new york, living her profession. due to her schedule, she was barely around during bonita's younger years, and only made her presence more prominent when bonita turned eighteen.

maveric lucien claveron.
formerly bonita's sworn enemy, now her closest friend. the two used to be at one another's throats when bonita would mess with maven's writings, altering the fates of the people whom he writes stories for. ever since then, the two were inseparable and confided in one another.

rain gianni quintos.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

vier diondre kiyoshino.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

name, connection
this connection is blank and up for grabs, so please don't hesitate to message me to discuss pre-established relationships!

name, connection
this connection is blank and up for grabs, so please don't hesitate to message me to discuss pre-established relationships!

name, connection
this connection is blank and up for grabs, so please don't hesitate to message me to discuss pre-established relationships!

name, connection
this connection is blank and up for grabs, so please don't hesitate to message me to discuss pre-established relationships!

name, connection
this connection is blank and up for grabs, so please don't hesitate to message me to discuss pre-established relationships!